White Whales - Rare Discs with Kevin Zane, Cooper Arnold, Peter Bures, and Matt Ovel

White Whales - Rare Discs with Kevin Zane, Cooper Arnold, Peter Bures, and Matt Ovel

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In this episode of White Whales, the C1X crew discusses their most prized disc golf discs from their collections. They share the stories behind how they acquired these rare and unique discs as well as the history of some of these discs. If you have ever wondered what FAF or PFN means or don't know why some folks care so much about a specific run of disc, this is the show for you!

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This episode supported by:

GRIPeq | https://grip-eq.com/

BKS Artisan Ales | https://bksartisanales.com/

C1X is a disc golf podcast driven by the game we love, where every episode dives into the origin stories of players and the culture that links us together. Join us for laid-back conversations that feel like you're hanging out with friends, sharing the passion and excitement of disc golf.